B.E.A.S.T Unit Manager
The Adventurous Activities Active Support Unit (B.E.A.S.T)
The Basingstoke East Adventurous Scouting Team (B.E.A.S.T) is a District Scout Active Support Unit (S.A.S.U) made up of volunteers with specialist knowledge and relevant permits to provide more adventurous activities to our members across the district.
The team provides the specialist knowledge and skills for groups to run these events as well as putting on district level events.
The team also consists of District Nights Away advisors who support leaders across the district with obtaining their nights away permits.
This will involve assessing leaders before, during and after camps and hikes. Members of the team may hold additional roles within Scouting or this maybe their only role. Activities that currently fall within the team remit are Archery, Caving, Climbing
Role Outline
As a volunteer manager of the active support unit you’ll be heavily involved in the experiences our young people in Scouting are able to attend. You’ll help to build a team of individuals who are able to run and support more adventurous activities within Scouting. Your team maybe made up of people with other Scouting roles or people who are purely just part of our active support unit.
You will oversee the day to day running of the unit, ensuring that it is meeting the needs of the District and providing experiences and skills to our young people
Appointed by: Deputy District Commissioner (Perception)
Responsible to: Deputy District Commissioner (Perception)
Responsible for: Active Support Unit Coordinator(s), Active Support Unit Members
Traning: Manager and Leader training
Main Tasks
- Work with the Deputy District Commissioner (Perception) to agree the Service Agreement.
- Annually review the service agreement with the DDC (Perception)
- Ensure that Scout Active Support Unit is meeting the needs of the District in terms of the skills and support they collectively provide.
- Maintain effective communication between Scout Active Support Unit and the District.
- To take an active role in the team.
- The appointment of the B.E.A.S.T Active Support Coordinators, following the Appointments Process
- Ensure that Co-ordinator(s) effectively provide required support.
- Ensure that all Scout Active Support Members have completed relevant training.
- Ensure that Scout Active Support Unit is following POR.
- To promote the opportunities of Scout Active Support to external bodies outside the Association.
- To raise the awareness and promote the Scout Active Support Unit to all Members within the District both as a Membership option and to benefit from their support.
- Resolve any disputes between members of the Scout Active Support Unit.
- Approve activities of the Scout Active Support Unit in accordance with POR.
Time Commitment
This is a flexible volunteering role however there are a few minimum commitments that the unit manager would need to be aware of:
- 3 District Team meetings (per year)
- 3 Active Support Unit meetings (per year)
- Ad-hoc events where team skills are required
Person Specification
- Ability to manage adults effectively
- Experience of managing dispersed teams
- Experience of mentoring and developing others
- Passionate about providing adventurous activities to more young people
- Want to see quality programmes delivered week-in-week-out.
- Have a proactive and creative approach
- Able to communicate by telephone and email
- Able to relate with adult volunteers and young people
- Resourceful, energetic and enthusiastic about the job
- Good IT skills and access to a computer
- Experience of Scouting as an adult
- Hold or be working towards a permit for a land or water-based adventurous activities
Interested in Volunteering?
Want to get involved? Simply email join@bescouts.org.uk and a member of the team will get in touch.